divine creative agency, graphic design, marketing, branding, website design, video, melissa robson



Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, whether you are a large multinational organisation, or small retail outlet or solo tradesperson. An effective brand strategy and favourable brand recognition gives your business a major edge when people are deciding whether to do business with you or your competitors.

Simply put, your brand can be summed up by your brand promise to your customer. It is their perception of you, and tells them what they can expect from your products and services. It is their feeling of you and what your business stands for. It is what differentiates you from your competitors, and what keeps people returning for your services. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

“Every interaction a potential customer has with your business, whether it be the first phone call or business card handed out, to the services you provide and the premises that you work from, these things all make up your brand and how your client’s perceive you.”


You can have some control over how your brand is received, just by being mindful of the consistent message that your sales material, your brochures, your stationery, your website, your presentation skills, and your everyday interactions with clients is carried out. These ‘first impressions’ are all things you can manipulate to build your brand to be the way you want to be perceived.


Consumers are very brand aware, and make conscious decisions to deal with certain businesses purely because of their image.

Therefore, to be competitive in the marketplace you need to understand what your personal brand is and what your business brand is. It involves a bit of soul searching. You ask yourself questions like:

  1. What type of business do you operate?
    What would a potential client expect your brand to be in your industry?
  2. What is your company’s mission?
    What do you stand for? What is your WHY for being in business in the first place.
  3. Who is your typical customer and how do you wish to be perceived by them?
    You need to identify who your market is and break it down to a clear demographic. You might be a financial advisor and your main clients are mums and dads earning a combined six figure income. The more you can narrow down who your target market is, the more relevant you can make your brand to appeal to your market, so you don’t waste valuable advertising dollars on useless campaigns.
  4. What is your unique selling proposition?
    What makes a consumer want your services? You need to isolate what makes you different from your competitors and why people should come to you; and then you can play on those strengths when developing your brand.
  5. What are the benefits and features of your products or services?
    Do you know the fundamental reasons why people will want to work with you or buy your products?
  6. Know how your product or service is priced in relation to your competitors?
    Do you offer a budget service or a prestige service? Your branding should reflect your fees, and if you are a prestige service, then there should be an element of this in your promotional material so you can attract the right market who are happy to spend the money.
  7. Evaluate your work premises.
    Does where you work from bear any significance to your brand or how consumers will perceive you? For example a premium advertising agency working with large international companies and charging premium fees does not operate out of their home garage.
  8. Analyse your current promotional material and website.
    How are you reaching your market, and analysis it through fresh eyes. Does the material you hand out reflect the image you wish to project?

“Before I started working with Divine Creative Agency, I wasn’t absolutely convinced about the the whole concept of branding! But now that our advertising, social media, sales material and online marketing campaigns are far more consistent, strategic, and speaking directly to our target markets…
MDC Campers is correctly positioned in the marketplace as the largest and most successful manufacturers of camper trailers. We now walk and talk our brand.”


MDC Campers, divine creative agency, graphic design, marketing, branding, website design, video, melissa robson


Once you have defined your brand in the steps above, how do you get the word out? Here are some tips to help you.

  1. Design an amazing logo.
    It’s not your ‘brand’, however it is a visual icon that represents your business and what your brand ultimately stands for. Once you have a great logo, place it everywhere! Truly own it and breathe it into every aspect of your marketing material.
  2. Your business and marketing pieces should have a “voice” that reflects your brand.
    This ‘voice’ should be carried right through to all written and verbal communications, both online and offline. Is your brand outgoing and super friendly? Are you the leaders in your industry and command respect? Is your brand medical and scientific in it’s approach. Decide on a communication style that suits you and your brand, and stick with it.
  3. Document your brand messaging.
    What are the key messages behind your brand? Share these with your team, your suppliers, your clients and potential clients.
  4. Create a tagline.
    This is essential to summing up exactly who and what your brand is. Write a meaningful and concise statement that captures the essence of your brand. It helps if it’s easy to remember and runs off the tongue well!
  5. Integrate your brand into all marketing pieces and customer interactions.
    Branding extends to every aspect of your business and this should be reflected in your company’s behaviour and interactions with every client and potential client.
  6. Systemise it. Create a brand standard for your marketing material and share with your team.
    Use the same colour scheme, logo placement, look and feel throughout.
  7. Be authentic.
    Deliver on your brand promise – and if it feels fake or contrived, it won’t work. Ensure that your brand message is true to who you are and what you really stand for. Hire team that believe and live your brand message.
  8. Be consistent.
    This doesn’t need any explanation!! If you live, breathe and eat your brand authentically… you will attract clients to your business that feel the same way!

If you think you need a hand with any of these items, then please contact us and we can have an obligation-free chat.
We also have some great brand and design packages that you might like to check out.
Personal Brand Package
Branding and Design Packages